
California District 13

17 August Update

From:  Larry G. Maggio, Commander

13th District, Department of California

August 20, 2023

To:  ALCON, All District 13 Officers, All Post Commanders, elected post delegates, and   Representatives from the District 13 Riders and the District 13 Sons

Subject:  Special District Executive Meeting


A reminder of the Special District Executive Meeting. (DEC) for District 13.

All District Officers, Post Commanders, (or the Post designated elected delegate), and a Representative from the District 13 Sons of the American Legion and The District 13 Riders.

*All Post 99 Officers and Post 881 Officers need to be present as well.

Reply to:

District Adjutant Wayne Heimsoth to confirm receipt of this email and to confirm a representative of your Post and your Post Colors will be present.  Email: wheimsoth@aol.com

Date: Tuesday, 22 AUG 2023, 7 PM (1900hrs)

Location:  Willow Glen Post 318, 1504 Minnesota Ave, San Jose, CA 95125

**Post Commanders, Please have your Post Colors present with a flag stand

Dress Code: Business Dress for Officers and Delegates.  Business Casual for Audience.



Larry Maggio, Cmdr.

13th District, Department of California

The American Legion



Here is the agenda:




Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Times are approximate and the agenda is subject to change.


7:00 PM          CALL TO ORDER                                                          DISTRICT COMMANDER


                                    ADVANCEMENT OF THE COLORS                               DISTRICT SGT AT ARMS


                                    INVOCATION                                                               DISTRICT CHAPLAIN


                                    POW/MIA FLAG                                                          1ST VICE COMMANDER


                                    PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE                                             3RD VICE COMMANDER


                                    PREAMBLE                                                                  DISTRICT JUDGE ADVOCATE


                                    ROLL CALL                                                                   DISTRICT ADJUTANT


                        Quorum declared/Adoption of Agenda                                 DISTRICT COMMANDER

                                    Approval of Minutes


                                    INTRODUCTION OF GUEST                                         ASSIST DISTRICT ADJUTANT


                                    INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS                                       DISTRICT COMMANDER


  1. Goals update.
  2. Joint Post-District Newsletter/Newspaper (Discussion).
  3. Sons of the American Legion status updates for D13 and Squadrons.  Need status and updates for all Officers, and POCs for D13 Detachment, P99 Squadron, P419 Squadron, P564 Squadron, and P791 Squadron.


ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                     DISTRICT ADJUTANT




CLOSING CEREMONY                                                  DISTRICT COMMANDER



28 May Update 
Please share this information with your Post membership

Good afternoon Comrades, 

The District Caucus will be next Sunday, June 4, 2023 at 2:00 pm, at Santa Clara Post 419, 958 Homestead Rd, Santa Clara.  Please ensure your elected Post Delegates are there to represent your Post.  

Be aware that the District has received REQUIRED end-of-year documents from only one Post at this time.  Please ensure that your Post attendees bring a hard copy, or proof of having submitted the following required documents to the Department:
1.  Certification of Post Officers 2023-2024
2. Certification of Post Delegates*
3. Consolidated Post Report 2022-2023
Additionally provide:
4. Hard copy of documentation that your Post has complied with Department By-laws by updating its By-laws within last seven years. If you have approved By-laws less than seven years old, please submit a copy to the District Adjutant.
5. Do your best to make available a list of your Post’s 2022-2023 deceased members. 
6. The installation date of your Post Officers 2024 is requested for calendar purposes.
The first fourth items above, plus all monies due Department, are required for your Post to register a Post delegate at Convention.
Submission of revised By-laws to Department AND District is a must before the start of Convention; and a Post will be placed on Probation status if not in compliance.  Updating By-laws is no longer a choice, but is a Department By-laws requirement (6-26-22)
a) Bring an informal list of those delegates from your Post who will be actually attending Convention.  
b) Remember, you must paid the delegate fee for each delegate Department reports your Post is entitled to per it’s records of May 10th. If your Post is entitled to 15 delegates you must submit the fee for 15 delegates, even if only ten attend.
b)  On Thursday morning, June 22, the District Commander will convene a District Caucus of delegates, at 8:00am, in the main hall of the Visalia Convention Center.
c) Convention Registration will begin at 9:00am on Thursday morning, June 22, 2023; at the Visalia Convention Center; 
d) Convention Committee meetings will begin that morning. Time TBD/Posted
Yours in Comradeship,
Gene Fanucchi
Adjutant, District 13 
16 February Update 
To all Posts and members of District 13 American Legion, Department of California:
District Commander will convene a meeting of the District 13 membership on Thursday, March 2, 2023, at 7:00 PM, at Gilroy Post 217, 74 West 6th St., Gilroy, CA 95020.
Post Commanders are asked to submit their bimonthly report to the District Adjutant ( GBF22SJ @aol.com) and District Commander ( district13commander@gmail.com).
Of interest: future events of the Post; community event participation; pending installations of new members; pending training sessions; Boys State participation status plans; also reports of significant community involvement or member achievements.
This is not just a request for bragging rights by your Post, but for giving other Posts an opportunity to hear of activities that may spark their interest of involvement in their community which allows exposure of the American Legion to potential membership and a relationship within their community.  Many times with no cost except face-to-face contact. 
We already know what Post membership standings are (only one at 100% +), so we already know there is work to be done.  What is asked of is for our leadership teams to find ways to get out and “shake” the brush for those elusive members who have not renewed. A comment in your Post report may be the spark needed in another Post. 
Don’t forget Post Data Report is due April 15 to District and Department (electronically preferred).  Form is on Department website; however, assistance is available if needed.
And, if Posts have forgotten, or haven’t realized how fast time is pasting, the end of the administrative year is nearing an end.  By April your Commander should be appointing a Nomination Committee for the ‘23-‘24 Legion Year.  Yes, it’s that close. Have you began to think about next year’s Post leadership?
Post continuity depends on us now, and we should all realize that someone new in our Post has to begin, if not already, handling the reins.  It takes a few years for a new-by to take the reins and guide a Post, so keep that in mind.  A free running, untrained team does no one any good, so let’s do our best and keep the legacy of the boys from 1918 alive for the future. 
The voice of the American Legion must remain strong so that the youngsters serving today will have a voice fighting for them, just as we that voice fought during our years, because of the boys of 1918.  And we know where that “financial” butcher knife drops first once there are needed cut backs from the “swamp”, which already appear on the horizon.  Enough said, let’s ensure our voice stays
Don’t forget to continue working on your By-laws. If you have significant changes you will have to allow about three months for the approval process and sending off to Department for final approval before Convention.  The window is closing. 
Our 13th District Oratorical contestant won the Area II speak-off last week and is going to the Department Contest February 18th.  Post 99, her sponsorship, is very proud of her.
If you have not heard from Juan Saucedo, our District Boys State Chairman, regarding information and materials for Boys State, contact him immediately to express your needs (juanjsaucedo@gmail.com). 
Look forward to seeing your Post Commanders AND elected Post delegates (your Post’s voted voice in the District) at the meeting on March 2, 2023, at 7:00 pm at Gilroy Post 217.
Yours in Comradeship
Gene Fanucchi
Adjutant, District 13
17 January 2023 Update
Here is the agend for the upcoming District meeting scheduled for 18 January at 1900 hrs. at Post 564 Mission City Post.






January 18, 2023





Roll Call of Officers.                      


First Vice Commander

Second Vice Commander

Third Vice Commander


Finance Officer


Judge Advocate

Service Officer


Roll Call of Posts

99        375       564       809

217      419       642       858

318      558       791       881


November 5, 2022, Mission City Post 564

Introduction of Distinguished Guests

Nominations, Elections, installation of Officers

Communications and Notices

District Officers Reports

Report of Standing Committees

       1.  Membership, First Vice Comdr. Juan Saucedo

       2.  Oratorical Program, First Vice Comdr. Juan Saucedo

       3.  Boys State Program, First Vice Comdr.  Juan Saucedo

       4.  By-laws Status, District and Posts, Judge Advocate, Dennis Foggie

       5.  District Honor Guard Team, Team Captain Gene Grunstrom

       6.  Sons of The American Legion, Steve Villegas

       7.  District Riders

Report of Executive Committee ( Post Commanders)


      1.  Significant activities as Legion Post; Community Involvement; Programs

      2.  Status of Post By-laws; up-date progress; approved up-dates due to District by April 2, 2023.

      3.  Status of annual Post Data Report; due to Department AND District April 15

Old Business

      1.  Fidelity Bonds for Posts; source comments

New Business

Good and Welfare of American Legion

 Four Chaplains Interfaith Memorial

 Saturday, January 4, 2023, 10:00 am

 St. Frances Cabrini Church

 15333 Woodard Rd., San Jose 95124 


 Next District meeting

 March 2, 2023, 7:00 pm

 Gilroy Post 217

 74 West 6th St,  Gilroy, 95020


Closing Ceremony



1 January 2023 Update
To all Posts and members of District 13 American Legion, Department of California:
District Commander will convene a meeting of the District 13 membership on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, at 7:00 PM, at Mission City Post 564, 2120 Walsh Ave., Santa Clara.
All members of the District are welcome to attend, but Post Commanders and elected delegates of each Post, as official representatives of their Post are particularly foreseen to be present.
Commanders are expected to have a report of their Post major activities and achievements during the past two months, and progress on required reports and obligations due the District and/or Department.
We are starting the last six months of our administrative year, and June will be upon us before we realize it.  As we know, more than 90 % of our Posts owe a progress report this month on the review of our Post By-laws.  Department is expecting By-law certifications by April, so time, because of review and ratification time, a three to four month process, we can see a tight window to fulfill our obligation.
Commander Maggio will be sharing a reminder of the calendar for the pending Oratorical Contest speak-off schedule.  First Vice Commander Juan Saucedo is our District program coordinator this year.  If you have a student that will be progressing to the District speak-off please notify Juan ASAP at juansaucedo@gmail.com for details of the District event. 
Also, Posts should be preparing for Boy State.  Juan Saucedo also Chairs that program for the District.  He should have some up dated information of the program for 2023 for us at the District meeting. 
If your Post Chaplain knows of deceased members during the past few months either bring their name and share with our District Chaplain, Jere Bernardoni, or send to him at Jerep.bernardoni@gmail.com.
Mark your Post calendars for Saturday, February 4, 2023, for attending the “Four Chaplains Interfaith Memorial Service” at 10:00 AM, at St. Frances Cabrini Church, 15333 Woodard Rd., San Jose, CA, 95124.  This program is a tribute to four chaplains of WWII who sacrificed their lives for their God, Country, and the lives of hundreds of their fellow man.  Their sacrifice was symbolic of the dedication of the chaplains who continue this day to serve our service men and women, and deserving are owed this tribute.  It is asked to bring your National and Post colors (and stands) for posting in the church. This is a Legion sponsored tribute which invites all veterans and patriotic organizations to participate. The public is welcome.
An agenda for the District meeting will be released in advance of January 18. 
Gene Fanucchi
District 13 Adjutant